It can happen in many guises. You may have a print job stuck as pending in your print queue…. You may have a print request stuck as “deleting” for hours…Either way, merely trying to print and your printer ignoring you is incredibly annoying.
It's easy enough to fix, don't let the following steps scare you if you're not technically minded. It may use parts of your PC you've never been near but it's simple as pie!
How To Restart Your Print Queue
Head to your start bar and search for services.msc. Select the one result you get. Older versions of windows may need to go via Start -> Run -> Services.msc

Scroll down to the Print Spooler Service, right click on it and select 'Restart'

And that's it! This will fix the majority of stuck requests. If that didn't, you can try selecting Stop and Start to manually restart it.
Still stuck? Give our customer service team a call on 01746 781 020.