In short answer is no!
Each printer model will have specific products that are compatible with it. There are two ways to search for ink here on our website for example, to ensure you find ink that is compatible with your printer:
1) Search by model - enter a printer model number into our search function such as WF-2810DWF and you'll land on this page which lists all of the ink products which are guaranteed to be compatible with that printer.
2) Search by product - a search for Epson 603 ink for example will list 30 products. Click on any of those and you can search for your printer model using the yellow search box to be sure it's compatible with your printer.
Most customers search by printer model number.
There are two main reasons why only specific products will work in any given printer:
1: What The Ink Is Made Of
Printer ink is a remarkably complex substance and there's an incredible amount of technology that goes into them to make the print quality as good as it is.
Particle size, absorption rate and resistance to UV are just some of the factors that go into developing inks used for different purposes and types of printer.
2: The Chip On The Cartridge

Nearly all cartridges now have printer chips on them, the electrical contacts you'll quickly recognise.
These communicate with the printer to tell it what the cartridge is that is installed and can pass on helpful information such as remaining ink levels.
These chips need to do a "handshake" with the printer when it is installed, so you have to ensure you have the correct cartridge with the correct chip. If that handshake fails (using the wrong cartridge) the printer will not let you print.