Check which of the scenarios below best describes you and find out how to best deal with your spares:
They're completely unopened and purchased within the last 30 days
If the items are in their original packaging you can get them sent back to us for a refund. Fill in a returns form in your account or drop an email to for a returns number.
(for orders over 14 days old there may be a small restocking fee, we'll let you know when you contact us about the return)
They're completely unopened and purchased more than 30 days ago
Depending what the cartridge set is we might be able to get them back for a credit towards a new order, we need to look at the details. Fill in a returns form in your account or email and we can let you know the options.
They've been opened
Unfortunately as soon as an items packaging is open we can't get it back as it is not resaleable and cannot be resealed, we're really sorry.